Financial Grownup Guide: 10 ways to dial up and dial down your career with Jennifer Gefsky and Stacey Delo authors of Your Turn: Careers, Kids, and Comebacks

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Careers are no longer linear or one size fits all. Apres Group co-founder Jennifer Gefsky and CEO Stacey Delo break down 10 specific ways to control your work, so that it works with your life. Plus a sneak peak of their new book, “Your Turn: Career, Kids and Comebacks”.

10 Ways to Dial up and Down Your Career

1. Ask yourself smart questions to get ahead of career confusion 

2. Set yourself up for success if you decide to stay in the workforce 

3. Rally your support system -- having a village is key 

4. Give up on failure and guilt 

5. Learn what you have to do to save for a career break 

6. Don't lose sight of yourself 

7. Understand when freelance, part-time or flex work might be the best fit for you, and learn how to do it successfully 

8. Think about alternate paths back into a career 

9. Learn how to tell your Gap Story, and interview with confidence 

10. Negotiate for what you want 

Episode Links:

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Jennifer and Stacey’s book Your Turn

Jennifer and Stacey’s website -

Follow Jennifer and Stephanie!

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