5 Grownup Money Tips for 2023 and a personal update


Episode Description: Bobbi shares ideas and strategies to set yourself up for success in the new year.


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Full Transcript:

It is time to get ready for what I hope will be a fantastic year for all of us. 2022 for me was.. ok.  The highlight of course was the launch of my book Launching Financial Grownups: Live your Richest Life by Helping Your (Almost) Adult Kids Become Everyday Money Smart. But also It was to a large degree a year of rebuilding and repositioning and I have some things that I've been working on behind the scenes this year that will finally be ready to share - I'm going to give you a little more info soon but first I do want to share a few money tips to set all us of up for success in 2023.- and I'm going to skip the ones that grownups already know- like have an emergency fund and pay down debt. You guys are good to go on those.

Here we go.

Tip #1: Do a review and a then a preview. Sometimes when things don't go our way we want to just look forward. But the truth is we can learn a lot from what we did right and wrong in the past. For the review - there are lots of ways to look back and everyone should do what feels right for them. If you are one of those people who keeps a diary or journals- that can help of course. Same thing if you had your list of financial new years resolutions. But for those of us that are just trying to get through the day- one very basic thing is to look at your spending patters by just pulling up your credit card bills. What subscriptions are you paying for that you didn't use? What about that storage unit? What money was well spent? How were your investing returns? How does your savings account comparing your year end statement from 2021 to 2022? Numbers tell stories. Then look forward and preview what you see as your spending, saving and investing patterns for the year ahead.

Tip #2 Do your to do list. - and by that I mean really do a home audit of all the things you have intended to do and did not.  And again- you do you. So focus on what matters. Here are some examples: Are there holiday presents you can return for cash or gift cards or donate? Are there projects where you have something sitting around for so long. And it can be seemingly trivial stuff- like did you send in for that rebate? Did you buy a lottery ticket and not check it- there are more than the grand prizes. And if you won $4 like I did- I give you permission to treat yourself to something although sadly thanks to inflation it won't even buy you a latte.  But again, are there checks you have not cashed, bills you have avoided, subscriptions you have not cancelled. Do the things.

Tip #3 Invest in being ready for opportunity. When was the last time you did a wardrobe edit. If you got that big call you have dreamed of- maybe a last minute job interview- or a big IRL meeting with a potential client? Or even a last minute social outing? Do you have something to wear? And on that same note- is your LinkedIn updated? Do you have a resume ready. Be set up for success in advance so you aren't scrambling

Tips #4 Rightsize your expectations. By keeping your expectations for the new year realistic and achievable- you will be more motivated and more likely to succeed. And more likely to raise the bar and feel excited about it. If you set your sights too high and fall short, you may give up and find yourself putting your financial dreams on hold.

Tip #5 Consider your personal financial wellness. How is your mindset these days? Are you stressing out about money? Does it keep you up at night? If so, write down specifically what you fear, and then make a specific plan- even if it can't totally solve the problem, to at least make progress towards relieving that stress.

And that brings us to my big new venture for 2023. I can't give you the full details but I am working on an exciting project in the financial wellness space. If you want to learn more- be in touch. You can email us at hello@financialgrownup.com or dm me on instagram at bobbirebell1. And there will also be a big announcement in my newsletter- there's a link in the shownotes to sign up or just go to my website bobbirebell.com

So excited to share more in the New Year! Enjoy the season and here's to being financial grownups together.

Bobbi Rebell KaufmanTemplate