Posts tagged Shannah Game
3 Mid-Year Money Tips with Shannah Game

2022 is past the halfway mark. Everyone’s Talkin’ Money podcast host Shannah Game keeps us on track to make sure we don’t miss out before December 31 comes along. 



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Full Transcript:

Bobbi Rebell:
Hey, grownup friends, a big thank you to so many of you that have already bought my new book, Launching Financial Grownups: Live Your Richest Life by Helping Your (Almost) Adult Kids Become Everyday Money Smart. This book was not easy to write because I had to get honest with myself about what was working with my teen and young adult kids and what was not working. And I also had to be prepared to share it with all of you. So first of all, thank you for your support and your wonderful responses to it. There's definitely some things in there that you may not have been expecting to hear.

Bobbi Rebell:
By the way, I got a lot of help from my money expert friends and also financial therapists and parenting experts. I am really happy with how Launching Financial Grownups came out, even though it really was hard to be, like I said, that honest, and it was a lot of work. But I really love doing it and I'm really happy with how it came out. On that note, if you have not already, please pick up a copy of Launching Financial Grownups today. After you do, please share it on social media. Please leave a review on Amazon. Those reviews are super important because the algorithm picks up on them and that can make the book a lot more visible to more people. So I truly appreciate it. And I really also appreciate all of your support.

Shannah Game:
It's a great time to kind of check in. We've got six months left. So things like if you have a flexible spending account, how are you tracking with that? If you have a health savings account, an HSA account, are you really utilizing those benefits as well? And then another thing to focus on as we get closer to open enrollment later this year is really thinking about, are there any health changes that you see coming up next year?

Bobbi Rebell:
You're listening to Money Tips for Financial Grownups, with me certified financial planner, Bobbi Rebell, author of Launching Financial Grownups, because you know what? Grownup life is really hard, but together we got this.

Bobbi Rebell:
Hey, grownups. Time flies, we know, but missing deadlines can cost you. It gets really expensive when it comes to our money. That is why I invited one of my favorite money experts back on the show. She's going to make sure we are all on track for the money moves that we have to be making between now and the end of the year. Shannah Game is a certified financial planner and the host of the podcast, Everyone's Talkin' Money, formerly known as Millennial Money. We're going to talk about that. This podcast, my friends, get this, 20 million downloads. Yep. And it's because she's that good. Shannah's amazing so let's get to her. Here is Shannah Game. Shannah Game, you're a financial grownup. Welcome back to the podcast.

Shannah Game:
Thanks so much. Such a pleasure to be here.

Bobbi Rebell:
Well, I'm excited to celebrate with you because you have reached an important milestone in your podcasting journey. Your podcast, which we're going to talk about the name of it in a moment, has had more than 20 million downloads. That's incredible.

Shannah Game:
Thank you. It's a little hard to fathom myself that many people listen to me and other people babble on about money, but it's happened. Yeah. It has been incredible. It's grown primarily just organically through people sharing the show. It's a love of mine. I love talking to people. I love podcasting. So I'm just so enthusiastic that it's resonating.

Bobbi Rebell:
You're also really good at it. You definitely do not babble on in your podcast. I think you've helped so many people. The podcast for most of its many, many millions of downloads has been called The Millennial Money Podcast. And you've made a recent change. Tell us about the change and the thinking behind it.

Shannah Game:
Yeah. It was kind of like a itch that I had for many years and I just didn't know what to do about it. I started the podcast under Millennial Money after an article that I wrote went viral and I thought, okay, there's something to Millennial. And me myself, I'm kind of on that cusp between Millennial and Gen X, depending on which age group survey you're looking at. And so I thought, okay, this is really ... Millennial Money is a strong name, it was available when I started the show in 2015 and kind of took off after that. But I launched the show in 2015. Over the years, I've just thought, I want this show to be more relevant, more inclusive, and to open it up to kind of any age demographic and really be the place where people are welcomed in, they have a place that is a safe place to really learn about money and hear about all of these different topics.

Shannah Game:
And so we'd been playing around with this idea for quite some time. And last year we decided, okay, we're going to make the name change this year. It took us 4 months to find a name that wasn't taken. It's a little bit more challenging now in 2022. And so the name we came up with is Everyone's Talkin' Money. And it's just this safe place that you can come to and hear all of these different conversations around money from lots of different perspectives and lots of different topics.

Bobbi Rebell:
Well, I also think that it makes a lot of sense because your show has always been so inclusive. And as people can tell, just from listening to your voice, you have such a calming way about you, Shannah, that I think makes everyone just feel like everything is going to be okay when it comes to our money. Because so many of us have anxieties, and fears, and concerns about money and often a lack of confidence. And I feel like when I listen to your podcast, whatever the name, I always feel a little bit better. And I feel like things are going to be okay. So I've asked you to give us a little bit of a teaser of some of the information that everyone can get when they're listening to your podcast, which everyone, if anyone here is not already listening, should be listening to Everyone's Talkin' Money. You brought three sort of midyear tips for our listeners when it comes to money. And the first one has to do with really being intentional, which is so you. I mean, it's just so perfect for you to speak about.

Shannah Game:
Yeah, I'm a big fan of intentionality when it comes to money because you and I both know that about 90% of money success is mental. It's what's going on in your brain, your thoughts, your feelings, your money story, all of this plays into the decisions that you make with your money. But most people don't spend time thinking about that. They're only focused on the how around money. So when I talk about spending with intention, I always focus on asking why? I say at least three times before you make a purchase. Why do I want this? Why is it important? And why do I need it now?

Shannah Game:
You can really get easily focused solely on just saving money. But I think without focusing on cutting out your coffees and all of those things that you really love in your life, focus on bringing some intentionality to your spending and just taking some time to pause and check in before you make a purchase. Like, does this make sense for me to buy right now? The answer can be yes. I mean, that's the beauty of finance. It's personal. So it could be, yes, absolutely. I want to buy this thing regardless, or it could be no, wait, I want to actually move that money towards one of my money goals. So it's giving yourself more control over your money versus letting it just kind of take you by the whim.

Bobbi Rebell:
Can you share a real life example from either you or somebody in your friends or family that has had that experience? What would be a real world application of that?

Shannah Game:
Yeah. It's interesting that you mentioned that. We just did an episode on revenge spending.

Bobbi Rebell:
Ooh, I love that.

Shannah Game:
Which was fascinating because we all have just come out of this pandemic. And so it's easy for us to feel like we want to do all the things and go all the places and buy all the things. And so we talked about bringing this intentionality and something that I shared, which was actually sort of a revenge spend purchase if you will, is I got a puppy in March. She was a little bit expensive. We bought all the toys and she's already had to go to the vet several times. The intentionality behind that was, this is something that is very important to me. She's actually going to be a service dog for me in the future. We took that money and said, okay, this is what we want to do. So although it may have seemed a little bit of a ridiculous amount of money to spend maybe to somebody else. To us, we took the time, we understood how this was going to impact our other money goals. And we said, yeah, this is what we want to do with our money.

Bobbi Rebell:
I love that. And let me tell you as the parent of Waffles and the grandmother of Wally, who my listeners probably heard about last week from my episode with my stepdaughter, Ashley. She has the most adorable Maltese that she just recently adopted. You will never go wrong with a puppy. That is priceless. All right, let's go to money tip ... I could talk about puppies so we must move on. Number two, you want to talk to us, you have some money tips when it comes to investing, which is so topical right now because the market has just been brutal. Almost anything you may have invested in whether it is something riskier like crypto, or just a diversified portfolio, this has been a tough time recently.

Shannah Game:
Yeah. And there can be a lot of anxiety right now that comes from what's going on. I mean, many young investors, this is kind of the first glimpse they're seeing of a bear market. And I think it's important to always just kind of zoom out. Zoom out from all of the headlines, and all the kind of fear tactics that are going on right now, and really root back into your investing goals. Why are you investing? It's a great time to maybe hire a CFP or some other financial professional to figure out, okay, what am I actually invested in? Do I need to make some changes?

Shannah Game:
And although this may seem a little bit illogical, I also think it's a great time to maybe up your percentage of investing a little bit. Maybe if you've got a raise at work or if you're freelance and maybe you got a couple of extra contracts this year, it might be a good time to just say, okay, stocks are down, but let me put a little bit more money in because I know everything is cyclical and everything is going to eventually turn back. Even if we have a year or two of a bear market, we know from history that nothing lasts forever.

Bobbi Rebell:
I love that perspective because the truth is if stocks are down across the board and you're not investing in a specific company that may have a specific problem. In general, if they're down across the board, this can be a great time to get in at basically buying stocks on sale. So it can be something that is also, as you said, very wisely, a good time to talk to an outside professional that can give you a third party perspective. And that can sometimes provide a lot of motivation, even though sometimes it's an expense, it is often worth it to have that outside opinion when it comes to how you're allocating your resources. Okay. The third thing, maybe the most important really, and it has to do with wellness because that is actually so very much tied to money.

Shannah Game:
Yeah. As we're recording this right now, we're in July, kind of midyear, and this is such a great time for healthcare checkups, to make sure you're using your benefits. I think we can go through the year and maybe we have a lot of benefits that are covered in our plan that maybe we haven't used. Maybe you have some eyecare benefits or dental benefits. I know I hate going to the dentist.

Bobbi Rebell:
We all do.

Shannah Game:
I have to be pulled basically, like you're missing out on this benefit, but it's a great time to kind of check in. We've got six months left. So things like if you have a flexible spending account, how are you tracking with that? If you have a health savings account, an HSA account, are you really utilizing those benefits as well? And then another thing to focus on as we get closer to open enrollment later this year is really thinking about, are there any health changes that you see coming up next year? Like, are you planning to get pregnant? Are you planning a surgery? Do you know anything that might be coming up next year to make sure that you choose a health plan, that's really going to provide you the best benefits for the next year?

Bobbi Rebell:
And that's really important because when that window does come up for your re-enrollment and choosing your benefits, it's often a very short window, sometimes just 10 days. So you want to prepare and make those decisions and make sure also that you have it on your calendar, because sometimes it might be an email that goes into spam or a piece of snail mail that you just don't notice that maybe you don't really see, or you don't act on. You want to make sure that you've set reminders in your calendar for when your company's open enrollment is because you do not want to miss that window. It can get very expensive. So those are great tips. Before I let you go, congratulations again, on Everyone's Talkin' Money. We know everyone that's listening to me probably already is listening to you, but if they're not, we know they have to be, so everyone get on board. Where can people find out more about you and follow you on all the social channels and learn more about your next ventures?

Shannah Game:
Absolutely. Yes. Thanks for having me. If you're interested in listening to the podcast, it's Everyone's Talkin'. That's T-A-L-K-I-N, Talkin' Money. You can find that on absolutely any podcast player and we're launching our new website this month. So that will be We're going to have all sorts of fun freebies over there. And if you want to follow me on social, I'm most active on Instagram, just at Shannah Game.

Bobbi Rebell:
Awesome. Thank you so much.

Shannah Game:
Thanks for having me.

Bobbi Rebell:
Hey friends, I always feel so much better about money after talking with Shannah. In fact, I think I feel better about life in general. She just has this wonderful way about her. And by the way, her podcast comes out three times a week so there is plenty of information there for all of you grownups. I have one more tip that I want to add to though. When it comes to the annual enrollment, don't assume the benefits are the same as they were last year or the year before. And especially before the pandemic. So many companies have added or adjusted their benefits to support their employees who work from home. So be sure to look closely. There may be some really cool things that you don't even know about. Okay, my friends, what are your midyear money tips? I would love to hear them. So please be in touch on whatever social channel you like.

Bobbi Rebell:
On Instagram, I am @bobbirebell1. On Twitter, Bobby Rebell. And by the way, I am also trying my best over on TikTok, but I could really use your support. That is also just under my name, Bobby Rebell. I post a lot of clips of my appearances on local news, mainly because people seem to like them. They get a good response. I'm not really sure what I'm doing over there. But anyway, please follow me there, and like, and comment. You can also send me tips on how to improve the TikTok channel, of course. And let me know if you are a listener in the comments of one of my TikTok videos so that I can follow you back and I can also support your work. Thank you so much to Everyone's Talkin' Money's Shannah Game for helping us all be financial grownups.

Bobbi Rebell:
Money Tips for Financial Grownups is a production of BRK Media, LLC. Editing and production by Steve Stewart. Guest coordination, content creation, social media support and show notes by Ashley Wall. You can find the podcast show notes, which include links to resources mentioned in the show as well as show transcripts, by going to my website, You can also find an incredible library of hundreds of previous episodes to help you on your journey as a financial grownup. The podcast and tons of complimentary resources associated with the podcast is brought to you for free, but I need to have your support in return. Here's how you can do that. First connect with me on social media at, bobbirebell1 on Instagram, and Bobbi Rebell on both Twitter and on Clubhouse, where you can join my Money Tips for Grownups club.

Bobbi Rebell:
Second, share this podcast on social media and tag me so I can thank you. You can also leave a review on Apple Podcasts. Reading each one means the world to me. You know what? It really motivates others to subscribe. You can also support our merch shop by picking up fun gifts for your grownup friends and treating yourself as well. And most of all, help your friends on their journey to being financial grownups by encouraging them to subscribe to the podcast. Together, we've got this. Thank you for your time and for the kind words so many of you send my way. See you next time. And thank you for supporting Money Tips for Financial Grownups.